Ricoh Electronics, Inc., Ricoh’s US manufacturing subsidiary, plays a vital role in helping Ricoh achieve and sustain its reputation for high quality thermal media products and solutions. Our products and solutions enable people to work smarter, better, and faster. With a steadfast commitment to excellence in manufacturing, REI applies 12 key fundamentals, including the cycle of continuous improvement.
REI strives to delight and inspire our customers through partnerships founded on trust and consistency. By delivering innovative products, services and solutions, REI creates quality and value for our customers that satisfies their needs and expectations and any applicable regulatory and statutory requirements. Through total employee involvement we continually strengthen and improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System.
Request the Scope of our Quality Management System through Contact US by Choosing QMS and EMS Scope.
Ricoh is committed to solving social issues of the future through our research activities, using the core technologies nurtured through existing Ricoh business activities.
With global R&D resources, along with Ricoh Electronics, Inc.’s thermal media R&D resources, we have the power and the innovation to support our customer’s needs.
To learn more about Ricoh’s innovations, visit
Ricoh has been an industry leader in the thermal paper business for more than three decades. Utilizing strong R&D resources coupled with our excellence in manufacturing, we’ve been able to solve unique customer requirements through understanding the challenges that our customers face.
Ricoh believes our success lies in our customer’s success and through a strategic business partnership, we can find solutions to adapt to the ever-changing thermal media market.
Our technological advances are complemented by our commitment to outstanding customer service throughout the supply chain – from manufacturing to our customers to the end-user, Ricoh’s thermal media products are reliable.
Over 80 years ago, Kiyoshi Ichimura, Ricoh’s founder, set in motion our global company’s north star, a commitment to The Spirit of Three Loves:
His unshakeable belief in these Three Loves has been, and continues to be, the foundation for Ricoh’s success today.
For more information about Ricoh’s philosophy, see
For more information about Ricoh Company, Ltd., see
Headquartered in Malvern, Pennsylvania, Ricoh USA, Inc. is the North and South American arm of Tokyo-based Ricoh Company, Ltd. Comprised of USA, Canada and Latin America, Ricoh USA has more than 30,000 employees located throughout the two continents.
Ricoh USA delivers products, services and solutions to help companies make the most of their information and work faster, smarter and more successfully. These include:
For more information, see
When we pursue success, there is only one way we want to achieve it:” responsibly. Ricoh supports the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)- a global partnership to address the challenges our world faces. The SDGs are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Our building blocks for these initiatives include people (society), planet (environment), and prosperity (economic activities).
Since 2001, Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWTL) has been the basis for Ricoh’s sustainable environmental policy. ZWTL aims to harmonize the relationship between environmental preservation and business operation to realize sustainable environmental management. ZWTL aims for 100% resource recovery rate. In cases where this isn’t possible, ZWTL ensures that no waste will be disposed in landfills.
Ricoh’s philosophy is to pursue environmental conservation because we have a strong sense of mission as a citizen of this Earth.
At Ricoh Electronics, Inc., we believe environmental protection is an important part of our operations. We shall continually work to develop and implement environmental protection activities that will lead to prevention of pollution and more efficient use of our natural resources. Additionally, we will meet or exceed applicable environmental laws and regulations, as well as other established requirements.
Request the Scope of our Environmental Management System through Contact US by Choosing QMS and EMS Scope.